Publish button inconsistencies

The 'Publish' button label isn't always behaving as I'd expect. Functionally everything is fine - it's just the button label, which varies by scenario & wordpress instance. I've documented the cases where I don't think this is quite right below, but shout if any questions. In a KnowledgeBase instance: - If I am approving a change made by an author, I see 'Publish' (Would have expected 'Approve changes') - If I am making a change myself as an administrator, I see 'Update' (This is correct and what I would've expected) - - However, upon making a change and publishing it, the button then changes to 'Publish' if I were to make a second change (I would have expected it to remain as 'Update') In a Flagship instance: - If I am making a change myself as an administrator, I see 'Approve changes' (Would have expected 'Update', unless I am approving a change where the page status is 'pending review') In the courses instance: - If I am approving a change made by an author, I see 'Publish' (Would have expected 'Approve changes')