Quality of life updates for Hijack - available now!

We've released version 2.7.0 of Hijack, bringing lots of minor enhancements. This release also paves the way for monthly releases to Hijack.

New Features

  • Added new switch to skip the intro & go straight to chapter one if there is no intro video.
  • If there is only one chapter we no longer show the discover menu
  • Removed the return to intro if there is no intro or no Discover tab or there is only one chapter.
  • Q&A: Hijack backend chat now differentiates between global updates and regular chats.
  • Q&A: Added multiline comment support for backend chat
  • Q&A: Added popup for simple editing of a comment
  • Q&A: Added popup for adding global update (legacy editor be gone!)
  • Q&A: Added question search that searches children and parent questions and returns the parent in the sidebar
  • Q&A: Added the framework for filters and added an "Asked Today" filter


  • Controller will now use transform instead of max-width, when toggled, this fixes a bug that would cause the controller height to be visually smaller when toggled closed then back open.
  • Deleting messages now correctly updates the chat sidebar with the recent message
  • Fixed a bug that would stop hijack from launching if it only had a chat and one chapter.
  • Fixed a height bug where no title is fetched for back to intro section.
  • Fixed bug that caused hijack incorrectly fetch the background component when it wasn't required.


  • Hijack backend chat now scrolls to bottom as default when loading.
  • Hijack backend chat now scrolls to bottom when a new message is received / sent.
  • Auto selects the first thread in the list for a better UX
What do you think about this update?